This video is created by connecting two planets orbiting the sun with different orbital periods with a line.
You can visually see the distance between two destination lines by the length of the line.
The length between the two points was calculated in the following way.
procedure TMForm.Draw_Line2P( x1,y1, x2,y2 : single; setColor : cardinal );
d, xtemp, ytemp, rAngle : single;
drawLine : TLine;
if x1 > x2 then
xtemp := x1; ytemp := y1;
x1 := x2; y1 := y2;
x2 := xtemp; y2 := ytemp;
d := SQRT( Power( x2-x1, 2 ) + Power( y2-y1, 2 ) ); // Uses System.Math
rAngle := RadToDeg( ArcSin( (y2-y1)/d ));
drawLine := TLine.Create( BLayout );
drawLine.Parent := BLayout;
drawLine.LineLocation := TLineLocation.Inner;
drawLine.LineType := TLineType.Bottom;
drawLine.RotationCenter.X := 0;
drawLine.RotationCenter.Y := 0;
drawLine.Stroke.Thickness := 1;
drawLine.Stroke.Color := setColor;
drawLine.Height := 1;
drawLine.Width := d;
drawLine.Position.X := x1;
drawLine.Position.Y := y1;
drawLine.RotationAngle := rAngle;
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